Dec 23, Sat, 06 ~ (一年又要過去ㄌ~)
今年只有離開溫哥華 那麼個 3, 4 天...
VANCOUVER gave me so much this year...
好多ㄉ考驗... 好多ㄉ機會...
幸福, 悲傷, 快樂, 煩惱...
sigh... VANCOUVER...
(night shot of science world by my cell)
其實 VANCOUVER 還算是個美麗ㄉ地方...
面對 07 年ㄉ來臨...
nervous about what will happpen in the future...
nervous about the people that i'd meet...
nervous about the problems that i might face...
但是我知道, i'd still get supports from my friends ~~~
LET us all give each other the support that we need
in the future that we're not really certain of...
In this beautiful city...
we'll all stick together... create a better tomorrow !!!
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