今天一天都在趕...不知道在趕啥東西 ~~~
早上出門去 CANADIAN TIRE 買工具 + 有ㄉ沒ㄉ...
後來阿胖也來 meet up...
我們買完又去 Princess AUTO 買...
之後又去 KMS tool 買 ~~~
OMG... crazy tool people ~~~KMS was freaking packed...
so was Canadian Tire...SALES going on...!!!
離開 KMS 以後, 阿胖回家ㄌ...
幫我媽ㄉ車換換油阿 檢查煞車阿, 車胎那些有ㄉ沒ㄉ...
wow...my mom drives so...EASY ~~~
油也沒很髒, 煞車還超多, 胎跟新ㄉㄧ樣...
not bad not bad...
我還幫她加ㄌㄧ個 CHROME ㄉ muffler tip...
muwahaha...偷偷幫她改一下車 !~~~
之前幫她改 HID, 可是因為 DRL ㄉ關係很難搞...
所以現在先幫她換回 PIAA ㄉ就好ㄌ...
後來 AJ 來ㄌ...我幫他弄弄他ㄉ車...
中間我們去 泰山 吃東西...
oh man...the good old days...
回到公司弄完他車後, 就幫我媽清她ㄉ車...
i guess if u have young kids...
ur car will be messy...上次清我爸ㄉ車也是...
吸塵, 擦玻璃, 擦內裝...
洗車 ~~~ did a complete detail job actually...
i think if it's a customer's car...we normally charge...
maby $100ish...???
(right George??? i haven't do detail for too long... forgot the price...
by the way...where the hell r u?)
後來弄完差不多 6 點ㄌ...
oh ya... 6 : 30 要在 COQUITLAM ㄉ 鹿園 跟我爸媽和他們朋友吃飯...
(他們朋友叫 ROC... R.O.C = TAIWAN!!! 屌名字吧)
到ㄌ鹿園剛好 6 : 30...
wow... my mom's corrolla's pretty fast too..
吃飯 吃到 8 點 左右...
我爸媽他們要去 ROC 叔叔家...
請我載 ROC 叔叔ㄉ朋友 CELINE 回 PORT MOODY...
吃飯ㄉ時候我做 CELIN 旁邊...
CELINE 是個白人...大概 50 幾歲ㄌ...
她跟我說他兒子 33 歲...
我真ㄉ是哈啦王嗎??? 跟什麼人都可以哈拉...@___@
載 CELINE 回家ㄉ路上聊ㄌㄧ些教會ㄉ東西...
她說他是 CATHOLIC... 因為她是從 QUBEC 來ㄉ...
她說 FRENCH Candaian 大部分都是 CATHOLIC...
但是他有時會去 CHRISTIAN church...
well...i donno...
to most christians...they might give me shit for say this...
"i think catholic and christian are kinda the same...
same God, dame Jesus...SAME HEAVEN ~"
oh well , 我小時候是去 catholic church ㄉ...
i like the CHURCH building it self...
soooo nice... so pretty...the painting on the wall...
the nice carvings...
humm... anyways...
後來送完 CELINE 回家後又去ㄌ 教會ㄉ CELINE 家...
u see.. these are the only 2 celines that i know of...
Johnson 也才比我先到一點點...
"stop wasting the damn time !"...
yap... ~~~ that goes for everyone...
厚來要離開之前我問 CELINE 說 詩班獻詩是誰在排ㄉ...
因為我們青年詩班 12 月 被移到第三個禮拜...
12 月第四個禮拜是聖誕節... 成人詩班要獻 6 首詩...
i wonder why our teenage choir cannnot participate on X'mas ~~~
希望我們以後聖誕節可以一起參予, 排獻詩我也可以早點知道...
然後讓我們青年詩班知道, 這樣大家比較可以早點預備心, 時間上也比較好配合...
but i think maybe Lynn and Celine misunderstood...
they were kinda worried that i might start trouble bah...
^___^ well...i'm not... thank u guys...!!!
i just want the teenage choir to be heard as well...
not getting pushed around like they used to be...
佛教ㄉ和尚們 知道 做一天和尚敲一天鐘...
基督教詩班班長 知道 做一天班長,就要為詩班爭取一份他們在上帝ㄉ家中也應得ㄉ respect !
oh ya... 今天調冬令時間...
時鐘調慢一小時 ! extra hour of sleep !...YES !