Sept 28, Wed, 05 ~ (下雨ㄌ)
wow... 真ㄉ冷ㄌ...
而且是幾個禮拜來第一次下這麼大, 這麼久ㄉ雨...
so i guess i should cancel the insurance on my bike eh...@@
還好我ㄉ車可以開 haha...
不過下午 HELEN 開車來要我幫她看...
可是晚餐被 RICHARD 抓去 RIHNO's CLub...
小酌 + 吃飯...
我看到一張 poster 滿屌ㄉ ~~~
而且這裡有一個 waitress 超辣...
white girls... humm... tasty...
hahaha ~~~
混到 11 點左右...
差不多ㄌ... 回家休息ㄌ...
Rain kinda clean the air a bit...
but, 今天回家ㄉ路上那雨不要下ㄉ大到我看不到路...
so dangerous !!!
大家下雨開車要特別小心 !!!
LiveJournal adds Schools Directory feature
Well, it looks like Six Apart is taking some inspiration from the old dope peddler's playbook: "Get 'em while they're young." LiveJournal's new Schools Directory feature stands to pull in a lot of fresh faces ...
I have a .#<>>work at home<<# site/blog. It pretty much covers .#<>>work at home<<# related stuff.
Judge certifies FedEx class action discrimination suit
A federal judge certified a class action discrimination lawsuit today targeting FedEx Corp.
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