Thursday, August 25, 2005

Aug 24, Wed, 05 ~ (Current Pool ?)

今天一樣做ㄌ一整天ㄉ事 ~~~
Super 累 ~~~
Louis 也 Holiday...
去ㄌ VEGAS... wow ~~~
VEGAS... so nice...
i've never been to Vegas before...

but anyways ~~~
back on topic...
阿胖不在, Louis 不在 ~~~
下午 Paul 也不在...
er... ok...

還好還好, 今天沒有超忙...
只是很累 ~~~
一直到 快 8 點才閃...
Lordco ㄉ Richard 來找我...

離開公司後我跟 Richard 先去他朋友家...
幫他朋友看看他ㄉ車 ~~~
他說 "my buddy's drive shaft fell off..."
huh ?... wow... 把 drive shaft 開到 fell off...
真ㄉ超屌... ~~~
一到他朋友家... wow...
pretty big ne...
後來他朋友給我們一個 house tour...

basement 有個 mini GYM...
for lifting weights and stuff...
後面有一個 mini pool...
我一看, 靠, 這 pool 這麼小...
游個頭阿 ~~~
比一台 pick up (something like a Ford F 150) 大一點...

"this is a current pool..."
"current pool ???"
"the machine on this end shoots current at u...
so u swim against the current in the middle of the pool..."

oh My Lord...
我小看ㄌ這個 Pool ㄌ...
超屌... ~~~
這是我一生中第一次看到有人家裡有 CURRENT POOL...
上次有看到有人後院有 POOL...
跟 basement 有 Pool... 不過都是滿大ㄌ...
but this current pool ~~~ is the bomb...

逛完屌房子後, 我們去 NEW WEST 一家日本料理吃壽司...
吃到超飽 ~~~
wow... i think this is the first time i eat in a resturant in like 3 ~ 4 weeks...

飯後回家, 看看電視上上網...
so tired...


At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd drawn in that current pool.. actually..i'd drawn in any pool... -.-"

At 8:15 PM, Blogger 小五 said...

huh... can u not swim?


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