Jun 09, Thur, 05 ~ (CLASS 6, THANK U THANK U)
YEAH !...
爽, 下午要考路考...
所以好天氣對我是好ㄉ !!!
Mr. Wood 在不爽我們有些人考試考ㄉ不好...
ai ~~~ 好慘 !!!
狂詌礁 eh... 超不爽ㄉ樣子...ai !!!
下課後我直接到ㄌ BURNABY ICBC testing center...
再度挑戰 CLASS 6 ㄉ roadtest...
靠 ~ 運氣一開始還真ㄉ很糟糕...
有個地方可以騎 50 km (公園), 可是哪個 sign 很像 playground...
害我騎 30 km... 考官還說 (用無線電) "speed up, this is a 50 zone..."
then... 到一個地方... 好像是醫院 竟然要騎 30...
我騎 50... ~~~ 他又說 "this is a 30 zone... slow down"...
心裡想 "WTF ??? 根本沒看到 sign 阿~~~" 才剛想完...
旁邊就一個 sign 寫 "30 MAX."...
shit... 心裡罵ㄌ超大聲ㄉ X...
後來上 high way... 記起ㄌ上次ㄉ教訓..
這次 merge ㄉ不錯...
下 highway 後有ㄉ地方是 "yield" ㄉ標誌...
(means slow down or stop when there are traffic...
go if clear...)
我到ㄌ那標誌ㄉ地方, 看後境, 看到一台喜美飆超快...
我就停ㄌ一下, 後面有台美國車, 我想說, 還早可以走...
媽ㄉ一走那台車剛剛也在飆, 馬上叮到我屁股上, 緊急煞車還有 "ㄍㄧ" ㄉ聲音...
還按我喇吧... 這下糗ㄌ... 真ㄉ超難看ㄉ...
發現他還沒叫我 做 "U-turn" , 就要我回 testing center...
心想, "操, fail ㄌ... 一定 fail, 所以連 u-turn 都免做 ㄌ" ~~~
後來他叫我 "back into a parking spot..."
我ㄉ車還 stall... wa le... 我就假裝沒事...
慢慢倒退, 結果發現車還在 1 檔裡... 無法倒退...
就瘋狂踩排檔, 怎麼搞都找不到空檔...
結果哪考官已經下車再等我ㄌ ~___~
考ㄌ半天終於找到 "N" 後, 趕快倒退... 沒想到停ㄉ超爆裂...
還壓在線上 ~~~
我安全帽拿下後直接問他..."i think i didn't do too well eh...?"
他說 "well, u missed some speend signs and when u got off the high way,
and tried to merge into the traffic...the guy almost hit u from behind..."
我心理想 "damn... so shitty... failed again ~~~"
後來他竟然說 "persoanlly, i'm not too big about rules and signs and stuff...
i am pretty big on riding skills... and u have the best riding skill out of all the pepople who took the test today..."
心中 OS " HUH ??? WUT DO U MEAN???"
他說 "i think i'll let u go this time... good job..."
超爽... 過ㄌ...haha...他人真好 !!!
考完試後我回家休息 + 讀書...
晚上沒做什麼事, 就讀讀書...
希望明天老師別再發狂ㄌ ~~~
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