May 03, Tue, 05 ~ (BIKE Lesson day 6)
哇... 快把自己搞虛脫ㄌ...
早上有點不想起來... 可是還是硬爬ㄌ起來...
到學校ㄉ時候才 6 :50...
只有 CHRIS 還沒到... 比我還會遲到是怎樣...~~~
可見其他人晚上都沒什麼搞頭, 也不用做其他事, 所以早睡早起...
今天 Mr. Wood 11: 30 要看牙醫...所以我們早下課...
阿胖說叫我去 AUTOMIND 幫忙...
我看是行不通ㄌ吧... 昨天沒睡什麼...
就跑去小躺一下... 想說等下 1, 2 點我爸媽 跟我姐吃飯會叫我...
結果也沒, 所以睡到 5 點...
起來後又讀ㄌ一下書... 就出門去上最後一天ㄉ BIKE lesson ㄌ...
到ㄌ Motorcycle school... 其他同學都沒到...
我就跟教練說我要其他唯一那台 KAWASAKI ㄉ sports bike...
他說沒問題... 我就在 parking lot 晃ㄌ幾圈...
感覺還不錯... 是一台好ㄉ practice bike...
我們就出發在 RICHMOND 先繞ㄌ幾圈...
然後吃個飯, 飯後就從 RICHMOND 騎經過 VANCOUVER 再到 BURNABY ㄉ ICBC 去晃晃...
那就是我們要考 road test ㄉ地方ㄌ...
後來騎回 school ㄉ時候都已經 11 : 15 ㄌ...
今天騎ㄉ好累喔, 機車真ㄉ不能騎太久...
回家前先去ㄌ GRAEME ㄉ新家晃ㄌ一下...
他本來明天就要回台灣ㄉ, 現在延ㄌ一天...
big house party...birthday party...
ai ~~~ 很想念每次喝完所有人閃ㄉ閃醉倒ㄉ醉倒...
剩下我跟 GRAEME 和 TERRESSA 三個人在整理ㄉ畫面...
Johnny 發酒瘋後要跟比他大隻 3 被ㄉ YAK 打架...
客廳裡躺ㄌ一堆醉漢 (Brian, Kalvin, Damond...etc)
好多好多ㄉ回憶就在我看著 TERRESSA 整理著酒櫃時一一浮現ㄌ...
ai ~~~ 回家吧, 已經 1 點ㄌ...明天又得早起...
to me... 過去有好多ㄉ快樂... 現在有好多ㄉ考驗... 未來有好多ㄉ難題...
WHAT should i do... to gain some happiness like before...
WHAT should i do... to pass all these challenge in front of me...
WHAT should i do... to sort out all the problems in the future...
damn it man... can't life just be simple as before???
can't life be a bit less harder ??? can't life have more happiness in it???
DEAR GOD... please listen to my prayers... as I feel down at each and every lonely night...
as I run into questions toward life...
Isn't "LIFE" suppose to be beatiful ?...
please teach me how to "live a beautiful life"...!!!
I have exactly same qestions as you have.
I was also depressed by those questions. However, I still believe that God will make a way when there seems no way.And I know that our friends will always be there for us when we are in need.
Like me will be here for you no matter what happen :)
hey 5,
life is weird, you don't get it, i don't get it too
but i think something is out there,
is just you havent seen it yet
God will always be there though,
he's just by your sides
friends are by your sides too
keep praying and listen closely to his voice
I'll pray too
havent talk to you in a long time
add oil lil' 5~!!!
U know
"life is a box of chocolate"
the next line that come with it is not just "sweet"...
it's "u never know what u gonna get" because u can't tell the flavour inside by looking at it...
and as u said... there is a little sweetness when u eat that chocolate... but sometimes the flavour inside... would be too strong for u to even taste the sweetness of the chocolate...!!!
anyways... i'll agree with "life is sweet" when i get the sweetness out of it... then i'll nod my head
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