Apr 10, 05 ~ (Part 2 ~ 05 TAIWAN TRIP CONCLUSION)
這次ㄉ台灣行, 我打 80%...
還有家人, 跟COLA ~~~
In conclusion of my 05 Taiwan Trip...
I rate it 80%...
Meeting old friends who I haven't seen for a long time boosted the marks up a lot.
Also because of my family and COLA.
歡樂ㄉ時光, 唱歌, 小酌, 吃東西, 看電影...好多好多~
但是這些都是其次, 最重要ㄉ只是能見到這些朋友~
能再次覺得說 "這個人這麼久ㄌ還是我ㄉ朋友"...
還有認識一些新朋友, 或是根本來沒有很熟ㄉ朋友變更熟ㄌ...
The happy memories of Karaoke, drinking, eating, movies...and lots more...
These are actually sencondary, the most important thing was just being able to meet them again. Can be able to think that "after all these years...these are still my friends"
And also, meeting new friends...or being able to hang out with friends who I didn't really hang out much with before...
在家ㄉ時間, 去姊姊店裡, 跟媽媽出去, 這些也是平常做不太到ㄉ事...
小三叔叔結婚, 姊姊ㄉ店搬家 ~~~ 家裡一些重要ㄉ是我能參加到...
The time I spent at home, at my cousin's shop...or went out with my mom...Those things I can rarely do ~~~
Uncle getting married, cousin's shop moving to a new location; being able to be a part of the important things that happens in the family... It is priceless...
被扣掉ㄉ 20%...
也許是我太貪心, 覺得時間不夠, 覺得有朋友沒有跟我出去夠多次...
也許是我還有放不下ㄉ人, 事, 物...
唉 ~~~
The 20% that've been deducted...
Well, maybe it's me... Me being greedy, feeling that there wasn't enough time...
I haven't hang out with my friends for enough times...
Or maybe there are some people and things that I don't want to let go of...
其實還有一個最大被扣分ㄉ原因... 是因為我覺得, 好多回來朋友...
他們都不開心... 每天很忙, 很累, 想換新ㄉ工作... 還有很孤單...
我想為他們流淚... 因為以前, 我們一起出去玩ㄉ時候, 大家是多麼ㄉ開心...
Actually, one of the most important reasons that i deducted the 20%, is because that the feelings I have for my friends.
I felt that... many of my friends who came back to Taiwan... They are never happy... They are always busy, tired, wanting to get a new job... and they feel extremly lonely...
I want to cry for them, because when we used to hang out long time ago... We were truly happy.
80% 還是很好ㄉㄌ... 我經歷ㄌ很多事情...
我學到ㄌ很多東西... 我吃ㄌ更多東西...胖ㄌ很多...
我這次很快樂, 也有機會感覺到幸福, 雖然它是短暫ㄉ !!!
80% is actually really good already...
I've been thru a lot. I've learned lots of things...
However, I even ate lots of things... Gained a lots of weight...
I am very happy this time, and I also had a chance to actually feel the happiness...
Even though it was just for a short period of time...
謝謝你, 謝謝台灣, 謝謝我ㄉ家人, 謝謝我ㄉ朋友...
THANK YOU, Thanks Taiwan, Thank you my family, Thank you my friends...
非常感動你居然寫出很有內容的一篇. 寫的太好了. 給你2 THUMBS UP b^.^d
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