Saturday, December 23, 2006

Dec 23, Sat, 06 ~ (一年又要過去ㄌ~)

今年只有離開溫哥華 那麼個 3, 4 天...
VANCOUVER gave me so much this year...
好多ㄉ考驗... 好多ㄉ機會...
幸福, 悲傷, 快樂, 煩惱...

sigh... VANCOUVER...

(night shot of science world by my cell) Posted by Picasa

其實 VANCOUVER 還算是個美麗ㄉ地方...

面對 07 年ㄉ來臨...
nervous about what will happpen in the future...
nervous about the people that i'd meet...
nervous about the problems that i might face...

但是我知道, i'd still get supports from my friends ~~~

LET us all give each other the support that we need
in the future that we're not really certain of...

In this beautiful city...
we'll all stick together... create a better tomorrow !!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Nov 27, Mon, 06 ~ (CUTE BABY~)

前幾天我去 KEN 家...
Daisy 上個月生ㄌ 個 娃兒...

(超可愛) Posted by Picasa

(可愛 again) Posted by Picasa

(我抱他睡, 他睡ㄉ很爽ㄉ樣子) Posted by Picasa

KEN 跟 DAISY ㄉ兒子真ㄉ是可愛到爆...
好想跟他們借來玩個幾天 ~~~

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Nov 21, Tue, 06 ~ (Endless Rain, AGAIN~)

下到政府說 " 因為降雨量太大, 雨把山坡上ㄉ尼巴都衝進水庫裡ㄌ..
所以部份飲, 用水被污染... 請勿飲用任何未煮過ㄉ水..."

這麼麻煩, 還是什麼狗屁 "全世界最適合人居住ㄉ地方..." ass ~~~


(Ya, with the damn rain) Posted by Picasa

i think this is talking about the weather recently...
so true...

~ HOPEFULLY we don't get that much crazy rain anymore ~

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nov 13, Mon, 06 ~ (COOL STUFF ~)

上禮拜有台車來做 out of province inspection...
是台 Drag Race ㄉ改裝車...
Pure American muscle...

(nothing but power) Posted by Picasa

(很像 Fast and furious 第一集那種) Posted by Picasa

還有一天我去 VISIT 一間 MINI ㄉ service center...
到處都是 MINI ~~~

(This Shop is very...CUTE?) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Nov 11, Sat, 06 ~ (Picture Blogs ~)

yeah... i fianlly got my USB blue tooth...
雖然跟溫董 拿ㄌ 快 1 個月才到手...
so ya... cuz now i work 6 days and 3 nights...
so barely have time to say what i want to say...
that's why i've decided to put on more pictures...
easier for me and every body else...ha...

現在我 Mon ~ Fri 在一家 叫 LT Motor Service ㄉ車廠做事...
我老闆 THAI (發音 TAI) 做超多 BMW 跟 BENZ, AUDI...VW...
OMG...the cars that i don't like the most...
but ya... oh well...

(this is me working on a Mercedes) Posted by Picasa

上禮拜有個人 開一台 COUGAR 來換煞車...
so...let's see...!!!

(what's wrong with this picture?) Posted by Picasa

請問大家有沒有看過一個 TV show 叫 "so you think you can dance???"

i call this one... " so u think u can do ur own brakes?"

(這樣還敢開車, 真危險) Posted by Picasa

Here's a picture of a NORMAL brake pads !

(各位朋友, 請經常檢察你們ㄉ煞車系統) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Oct 04, Wed, 06 ~ (BOSCH 講座)

這幾天跟 MINIT TUNE ㄉ人去聽一個 BOSCH ㄉ講座...
BOSCH ㄉ加拿大代表 跟我們講解一些他們ㄉ products...

Spark Plugs, wires, starter, alternators ...
stuff like that...

星期一晚上結束後, 跟我之前在 Yaletown ㄉ老闆 喝一杯...
告訴他我不是很喜歡在 Kitslano 旗艦店上班...

他說 " oh, that place is the number 1 store..."
ai ya ~~~ so what it's the number 1 store...
爆裂就是爆裂啦 ~~~ sigh...
最後他說..."give me 1 week, i'll see what i can do for u..."

我跟其他 YALETOWN ㄉ人, Tony, Victor, David...
然後我們ㄉ大老闆 SAM 也到ㄌ...
我就跟 其他人說..." let's go ask sam to go for a beer with us...
he'll probably pay for us...ha"

所以我們去ㄌ COQUITLAM Inn ㄉ bar...
電視上正好在撥 MLB... 王建明投球...
oh ya... 所以我趁機打廣告...
跟大家說 " look... that guy who's pitching for the yankees... he's from Taiwan...
same place i'm from... look...his last name is WANG...same as mine..."
結果我發現, 他們沒人看棒球, 害我有點失望...
突然 " oh ya... he's good... " 我一看...哇靠我大老闆看棒球...
還知道王建明是誰... not bad...

後來我跟他說, 我在 Kitslano 做ㄉㄧ點都不開心...
then he's like talking about all these stuff to make me feel better...
最後, 他真ㄉ幫我們付ㄌ錢... 不愧是老闆...

anyways ~~~
what did i get from this BOSCH thingy ???
a free T-shirt... 2 table cover pads...
2 free meals... couple free beers from 2 bosses...
i want a bosch jacket though....sigh...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sept 17, Sun, 06 ~ (阿民生日/ BYE BYE MUI MUI)

昨晚去ㄌ HELEN 家, 因為 幫 JAMES 慶祝生日...
我帶ㄌ兩箱 CORONA...
其他人陸陸續續來ㄉ時候 wa cow 不要有太 ~~~~ 多酒...

Jeffery 買ㄌ外賣, 我們人到ㄉ差不多ㄌ, 就開動ㄌ...
吃ㄌ大概 30 分鐘... 就開 "喝" ㄌ ~~~

今天有兩個人喝醉, PAUL 跟 ABBY ~~~
muwahaha... PAUL 一開始還狂嗆我叫我喝...
現在我 cut down 他們又要我多喝點...
wut's wrong with people lately?...

經過幾小時ㄉ 喝 之後...
各自回家ㄌ...因為 保羅 醉到一直狂喊 "阿扁下台"...
還有手勢阿什麼ㄉ全來... it was pretty funny...

ABBY 也喝到吐...
然後又看到有人玩 "抱抱" 遊戲...
(muwahahah, 在這裡不公開名字)

回家ㄉ路上直接看到一隻死掉ㄉ SKUNK...
在我ㄉ這一條 lane ... 我很醒目ㄉ躲過ㄌ牠...
結果發現 ... 牠應該是剛死掉...
臭到爆 ~~~ 今天早上我還狂噴 FEBREZE ~~~
下午又臭ㄌ... wut the...


今天是 NELLY MUI MUI 最後一天在這裡ㄌ...
她要回台灣讀大學ㄌ ~~~
滿難過ㄉ... ~~~ 沒有ㄌ MUI MUI... 很多事會變ㄉ很麻煩...
ai ya...
今天在教會, 要走之前我跟他說..."Mui Mui... 回去要要加油喔... 努力喔...不要放棄..."
/____\ ~~~ sigh...

加油吧 Mui Mui !!!